Who has visited the Rockwell Museum before today? |
We visited The Rockwell Museum for a visit in the galleries and a lesson in ceramic construction. The class began with a pristine education lab. Education Programs Coordinator, Amy Ruza, led instruction on clay hand building using the coil technique, with the most important law of clay building- slip and score.
Slip and Score is like glue in ceramics. |
The students got straight to work, understanding that they had a very strict time frame to complete this segment of the project. It was impressive to watch these budding artists take lumps of clay and transform them into mini masterpieces.
From Lump-thing to Something |
The idea was to create a creature form the coil technique, hence the program title, "Clay Coil Creatures."
The results are quite fascinating...
There were turtles and squirrels
Then there were elephants
They discovered texture options...
Great examples of coils and smooth textures |
This lady has taken ceramics classes before. |
Texture with party beads |
In just under an hour of working time, there was a jungle of creatures and shapes to adore. These need to dry for about two weeks before they get bisque fired
and prepared for the next class in April.
The next phase of these projects is glazing,
which will give everything a new life of color and shine!
From clay to bisque, waiting for glaze |