Friday, March 14, 2014

Young Adults LOVE to Draw

My First Friday Art Club has existed since 2010.  It is designed to entice young adults, ages 10 and older, to explore artistic avenues.  Each month I create a new theme, usually inspired by my own interest at the moment.  Drawing is the basis of most art and design, yet I only visited this theme once, way back in the beginning of this group's existence.

On October 1, 2010, a dear artist friend, Gretchen Halpert, facilitated one of the first FFAC (First Friday Art Club) sessions with a "Drawing from Nature" theme.  It was a small group of 11, more adults than young adults. 
That was the beginning of a club that has since grown strong in numbers and following.
 I now have a steady 25 participants, at least, each month and long waiting list
Nearly four years later, my students requested a drawing and painting class, so I honored popular demand and hired another local artist whom I met at 171 Cedar Arts Center.

Laura Charles is a very talented illustrator.  Her drawings are whimsical and magical, quite like a storybook page, and perfect for a library program.  Talents such as Laura's speak to kids.  We planned a "Character and Scene Drawing" theme to be painted in watercolor.

This class was so popular, I had to stop registration at 30 participants, but 4 more slipped in, and how could I turn them away?!
Over 30 kids crammed in a library community room, little elbow room available, but the results are fabulous!

 Our goals for the students were higher than time allowed.  Drawing is a fine skill, requiring much more than two hours to perfect a character and scene.  These kids were so engaged in the process, I look forward to seeing their finished drawings in April, when we will introduce watercolor and finalize these masterpieces.
See you again in April....until then, Happy Pi Day!