Monday, April 14, 2014

Watercolor with Laura Charles

In March, I invited Laura Charles to instruct a drawing lesson in my young adult First Friday Art Club.  The house was PACKED!  We had planned to draw and produce a watercolor scene in just an hour and a half program.  Needless to say, we had to extend the session into April. 

Many of the students were given quality watercolor paper to take home and finalize their character and scene sketches.  Then they were expected to return one month later with said paper and drawing, ready to paint.  I am proud to say, they did it!  I am the ever forgetful student who loses the paper, forgets the date of the next session, or cannot recall the lesson.  Good thing my students were better prepared than me.

Laura gave a very brief introduction to the watercolor painting process, which was not a new technique for many of the students.  We then gave paper palettes and small dabs of paint for everyone to create their masterpieces.  Despite the shade of red in our packs being more of an orange, neglecting the ability to create a purple or more cool colors, the kids really enjoyed themselves and created beautiful paintings.  

Ancient Battle Scene
Ancient Battle Scene, check out the audience!
Animé Pilot
This Animé Pilot is being submitted in the 4H Fair.
These girls love dogs.
These girls love dogs.  Is that Zena the Warrior Princess?

And so after several minutes of editing issues (have I mentioned I am new to blogging?- do you have editing issues after inserting some photos?) I can continue to brag about these kids and their amazing creations.
There were less kids in this session than last month, which allowed Laura more time to guide each student.  These paintings were well thought out and executed.  I am very proud of the efforts of each student, even the kids who participated as a result of sibling peer pressure.

Here are a few others that I really enjoyed.  
Art is often about the process, not always the final product. 
Skateboard Girl
Skateboard Girl

Mystery Girl and Who Horse
Mystery Girl and Who Horse

Eagles and Run the Race
Eagles and Run the Race
With so much talent and creativity in one room, I want to cover the library walls to exhibit these masterpieces.  Eventually.....

For now, I will focus on the next program, Beads for Mom.  We will make gifts for the most special lady in our lives, just in time for Mother's Day.  There is room to register, in case you have an interested student.  (607)936-3713, xt. 503.

Until next month, I will close with a collage including one of my favorite paintings from this session.  The subject is a sleuthing librarian, perusing the stacks to solve a mystery.  Two girls worked on this project together.  Although they would not claim me as the subject, I'm taking the claim.  I am a ninja-near-librarian, hear me "Ssshhhh."  :-)     

I spy a Ninja-Near-Librarian
I spy a Ninja-Near-Librarian

See you next month!