Rainbows of Color |
Southeast Steuben County Library's First Friday Art Club encountered acrylic paints, canvas panels, brushes, and a rainbow of color with Filomena Jack in February.
Welcome to Class |
Class started with Filomena's introduction to color theory and the color wheel. Students needed to know how to mix colors to achieve their preferred palette. Then instruction proceeded to creating whimsical cats.
Start with an inverted Triangle |
Using simple shapes and limited rules, students created their feline's features. Designs were whipped out quickly with this easy-to-follow tutorial. Once the cats were on the canvas boards, it was time to paint the base color.
This Kitty has the Blues |
Painting the base color of the cat body let each personality shine. Some folks liked lots of colors, while some chose monochromatic schemes. "This kitty has the blues," my neighboring student mentioned.
Not just for Cats |
Let's admit that cats are not for everyone. Some of us love bunnies more; Filomena can attest to that!
Meoowwww! |
Once the cat's body was painted, the background needed color, then it was on to facial features.
Grumpy Cat |
We saw grumpy kitties, happy cats, scaredy cats, and kittens with attitude arise from their creator's brushes.
Content Kitty |
Class time passed quickly, but each student left with a complete painting. Great work to our students, and BRAVO to our instructor!
Pro-Kitty |
Can you tell who created this cool cat! We obviously have lots to learn from the master.
Printmaking with Organics |
Visit us in March to see what beautiful marks we make after Printing with Potatoes. It's an easy and inexpensive form of printmaking. Tell me if you've make marks with organic matter.
See you next time!