Setting up a still life for drawing is pretty fun. I went around the library and collected so many various items from unusual locations to create an interesting scene.
There were a few story book characters, lots of textures, and plenty of objects to focus upon and draw for the second part of our Still Life Drawing session. I provided view finders to aid students in finding their preferred scene, setting up their composition and keeping track of item placement. The results of their focus was remarkable.
Despite any personal fears of class excitement, these students excelled in focus and drawing dedication. Simply seeing and drawing what they saw was plenty of excitement for them. Several were enthusiastic to take their drawings into the digital realm on March 20 with the Teen Tech Friday program.
The idea of meshing First Friday Art Club and Teen Tech Friday is to introduce the artistic method to our students. We also want to introduce career possibilities. In our fast paced world, considering career options is important. Investigating creative avenues can also provide more critical thinkers who are able to face a problem and think "outside the box" to discover solutions. Although art and technology are the focus of these programs, our students are likely future scientists, engineers or politicians who are building their keys to success through art. Art matters.
Visit again in April to see our Crayon Encaustic creations.
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